Learn the Alexander Technique for optimum balance, posture and co-ordination in everything you do. Organise yourself with maximum efficiency to optimise performance in your work and everyday life, and in coping with stress and physical problems.
Give yourself a powerful tool for personal development, self-awareness, mindfulness and learning new skills.
Change the habits that contribute towards functional problems such as back pain, muscle tension and stiffness, poor posture and breathing problems. Discover the freedom to change conditions that stop you reaching your potential and enjoying a happy, healthy life.
For Women
Many women suffer with lower back pain from sitting at a computer for hours at a time. Also many women wear high heels in business and suffer with
lower back pain as a result. A heavy pregnancy can also be a contributory factor to back pain for many women.
The Alexander Technique can support a woman during and after pregnancy as well as offering support when wearing high heels to improve the posture, co-ordination. and balance. Having Alexander Lessons will educate a woman’s body to sit at a computer with great posture and ease for longer which will result in the easing of neck back and shoulder pain.
For Men
Most men sit at a computer laptop for hours at a time on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Over time neck, back and shoulder pain can worsen. Joints muscle stiffness and stress can persist, so it is imperative that action is taken to prevent these conditions developing into degenarative diseases.
Finding the time in your busy schedule to devote to having an Alexander lesson on a weekly basis has become a necessary factor in this 21st Century. Longevity and better use of one-self in being able to completely transform on a global level in great health, and travel the distance is the greatest gift you can ever give to yourself.
For Children and Teens
Often children develop bad posture and experience neck back and shoulder from carrying heavy school books in rucksacks on their backs, sat at computers, a table, or slumped over their phone.
Often teenagers' growth spurts makes them feel awkward, clumsy and unable to rise above their low self-esteem.
The Alexander Technique helps teenagers to stand, walk and sit with great posture, ease and confidence. They develop more clarity and focus for those challenging times such as examinations.
One thirty five- forty minute lesson per week with result in wonders
About Chyna Whyne
Gorgeous, aspirational, inspirational, and kind, are just some of the words that describe the high heels guru Chyna Whyne who is a dynamic holistic artist-practitioner. Constantly wearing stilettos during performances caused chronic lower back pain, and having completed a yearlong world tour with Eric Clapton, she found she could no longer wear her heels. Fortunately she came across the Alexander Technique, and noticed an immediate improvement, which was all the more surprising as previous chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy efforts had all failed to deliver long-term results. Recognising the potential to help other who suffered with back pain, Chyna went on to study the Alexander Technique, In 1999 – 2002 , and was trained by Walter and Dylis Carrington at the Constructive Teaching Centre in Holland Park London. Now as a fully accredited teacher of the world renowned technique, she is now referred to as the High Heels Guru. Chyna’s multi-dimensional lifestyle helps to empower all who attend her yoga classes and retreats, walking in stilettos classes, Alexander Technique lessons and music concerts. Chyna is truly a dynamic artist with a difference. As an international recording artist she has toured with the greats; Bob Dylan, Seal, Peter Gabriel, The Who and more. Equally as important Chyna is further celebrated for saving hundreds of people from the trauma of long-term back pain.