Mastering the Art of Wearing High Heels-10 Hot Tips - This book is every high heel wearer's 'Bible', written by Chyna Whyne.
This picture illustrated book is packed with valuable information on the
do's and dont's of high heels. Be sure that what you learn from this book
will serve you a lifetime. An ongoing guided support for when you're stepping
out in heels.
Buy it as an e-book by clicking the link below.
The glamorous high heels guru with a heart of gold, Chyna Whyne’s transformative Walking in Stilettos programme blends rock star credentials with her extensive training in the Alexander Technique.
Feel physically elevated and emotionally transformed. Red carpet experiences and exclusive workshops are designed to help you walk high in your heels, exuding the confidence of the A-listers.
Wear your stilettos with pride and confidence, night and day – at work, on stage, dancing till dawn – without suffering any more foot or back pain. Learn more about the Alexander Technique.